Saturday, April 5, 2008

Progress on assignment one

This week, I have been mainly focusing on the assignment one. Towards to listing a events table, the first thing I did is to identify what problems the customer has, and find out solutions an automated system can do to them. Then, based on these solutions, the scope was determined, which helps identify inputs and outputs. The last job is listing all the events that are defined in scope, detailing the scope further in events, finding out what is trigger, response and use case.

However, there are some questions arise when in the process. When trying to detail the event of item's availability, I realized that some useful events, such as Weekly/Monthly sale report or Storage report for the stock, were not mentioned in interview. So I am wondering whether I should ask a clarification from the customer, or just keep it until next meet to ask the customer whether he likes the additional even I think about, helping improve efficiency of his company with the opportunities. Also, from the interview, it seems that there is no clear roles inside his company, everyone can do every kinds of jobs with different performances. So I am wondering whether it's better to make the roles clear into three, such like "Stock manager", "Seller" and "General manager". I think this would be easier to make a clear events table, classifying the different jobs on the automated system.